created a logo

made a brand book

created a logo ∴ made a brand book ∵


Search for an idea for the logo of the treatment and rehabilitation center and preparation of a short brand book according to the agreed option.


The main task is to make the style echo with the parent companies


The spelling of the word “Nahabino“ uses the same style
as in the INGOSSTRAKH logo:

  • IngoStem headset

  • The size is thinner than in the Ingosstrakh logo
    (according to the hierarchy in the structure of companies)

  • Name in capital letters

  • Color in the HEX 0047BB system

searching style with a brand mark

Brand Book

Development of a short brand book in a short time for the selected logo by the company's management. For further coordination of the general concept


Blue: the color of the INGOSSTRAKH logo system.

The main color system is used in the basic elements of corporate identity, illustrations and design elements.
This palette is applicable to RGB and CMYK spaces.

In cases where the use of primary colors is not enough, support colors are used. For example, when making presentations.


The margins from the graphic sign to the font block correspond to 1/3 of the width of the logo

The margins in the font block are the same (top, bottom and between the text)

fonts and typography:

The IngoStem branded headset is used.

The font is Light.
Which corresponds to the hierarchy in the company.

(INGOSSTRAKH And Be Healthy use a bolder font)



Bold/Medium - the densest outlines.
They are used, as a rule, to highlight
headlines, advertising slogans
and leads (key paragraphs).


Regular/Light - two less dense outlines. Designed to highlight a set of main text, large text blocks.


Bold is the densest font. It is used, as a rule, to highlight headlines, advertising slogans and leads (key paragraphs).

Regular - a less dense font. Suitable for typing the main text, large text blocks.

security fields:

The brand name is located to the left of the font block
by an amount equal to 1/3 of the brand name.
The height of the brand name is equal to the height
of the font block + 2 standard height margins from
the font block.The dimensions of the minimum
and recommended security floor correspond
to the proportions of the corporate logo


color solutions:

monocolor versions
monochrome versions

application: business Card

Standard business card size: 90x50 mm
Margins at the edges: 5 mm

Full name
10 pt (spacing 12 pt)
IngoStem Bold

White color version:

Font block color: CMYK 090/071/045/047, RGB 036/053/073
Background color: White

5.5 pt (spacing 6 pt)
IngoStem Bold

Address block
5 pt (spacing 8 pt)
Internal environment

Blue multicolor version:

Font block color: White
Background color: CMYK 090/071/045/047, RGB 036/053/073

application: form A4

Standard size: A4 (210×297 M)

Margins of 20 mm on each side
Logo height is 8 mm
(min. permissible size is 3 mm)

Address block:
The width of the block is not more than 90 mm
Block height not more than 40 mm
Font no more than 6 pt

application: notebook

Standard size: A5 (148×210 mm)

social media: avatar

Thumbnail: 200 × 200 px
Minimum size of an entire avatar: 400 × 400 px
Recommended size: 1080 x 1080 px
Compression format: png, jpg

social media: youtube cover

social media: vk cover & posts

posts for examples

if you need to make some design for your business…

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